Crewkerne Duplicate Bridge Club
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30th September 2024

Hosting:  John/Sheila 


7th October 2024

Hosting: Wendy/Rita


14th October 2024






  1.        The name shall be Crewkerne Bridge Club


  1.        The aims of the Club are to promote a good standard of bridge in a friendly and sociable atmosphere.

The Club will meet in the Village Hall, Merriott on all but two Mondays throughout the year at 6.50pm for 7.00pm


  1.        Membership

This shall be subject to election and payment of the annual subscription.

Before election, prospective members will usually be required to come three times as visitors.  

In Pursuance of the aims of the Club, the total number of members may be limited at the discretion of the Committee (see below)

The Committee (see below) may suspend or terminate membership for any conduct prejudicial to the aims and objects of the Club

Members ‘ subscriptions, which shall be retrospective to the 1st January, shall be reviewed annually and may be changed within the scope of the Treasurer’s Report at the Annual General Meeting.

The current rates for the Annual Subscription and the Table Money payable for each evening shall be displayed on the Club Notice Board.


  1.        Committee

The business of the Club shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and up to three Members.

All the  officers and members shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting

The Committee shall meet as necessary: three shall constitute a quorum. It may co-opt officers and members if required. Any vacancies during the year to be replaced or not at the discretion of the Committee.


  1.        General Meetings.

The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the fourth Monday in January. Here the Treasurer shall report on the Club’s finances for the preceding year, and make any appropriate recommendations.

The Agenda for the AGM shall be posted on the Club Notice Board on the last two playing Mondays of December and the first 3 playing Mondays of January.

Members wishing to propose items for consideration at the AGM shall lodge them in writing with the Club Secretary no later than the first Monday in January.

Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at any time by the Committee or at the signed written request of fifteen members of the Club.

The purpose of calling an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be set down clearly in writing and shall be posted on the Club Notice Board, twenty one days before the proposed date of that meeting.

Voting shall be by a show of hands and motions shall be decided on a simple majority of those present and voting.

For changes to the Constitution a two-thirds majority of those present and voting will be required.