Release 2.19p
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Players are requested to be seated at least 5 minutes before the scheduled start of play at 7:15pm.  Help provided by players arriving earlier than this to arrange the room is much appreciated.

If you've got any comments or questions on this web-site, please contact the WebMaster.


The current version of the Crawley Bridge Club Constitution was approved at the club AGM held on May 1st, 2024.  The changes made were :-

  • Clarification that all Officers and Committee members are elected or re-elected annually.  The previous version referred to a term of office without specifying its duration.
  • Change of the Club subscription year to align with that of GIBC. This allows CBC and GIBC social membership payments to be collected together.
  • New clause allowing the Committee to use club funds to match members charity donations at Club events. This has been the case for some years but was not permitted by the previous version.
  • Elimination of the role of Auditor.  We haven’t had an Auditor for several years. The accounts are reviewed by the committee and presented to the members at the AGM for approval.
  • Elimination of the role of Membership Secretary.  We have never had a Membership Secretary.  The role is undertaken by the Secretary.