Craven Arms Bridge Club
Release 2.19q


Your scorecard shows details of your partnership's play across all boards, and shows the traveller for a selected board so that hands and makeable contracts can be considered.

If you select the 'Scorecards' tab the page will open showing pair 1 NS and you will then need to click the 'Players' button to select your pair. If you click on a pair name or number from the 'Ranking', 'Matrix' or 'Travellers' page then the 'Scorecards' page will open showing results for that pair.

Clicking on the 'Compare' button will open a second scorecard (initially for the same pair). Clicking on the 'Players' button then allows two different pairs to be compared.

Clicking on the 'Play it again' button will open 'Bridge Solver Online' (see 'Articles, Advice & Tips' for details).

Percentage scores are coloured in 20% bands:  red  (worst),  orange ,  yellow ,  pale green  and  dark green  (best).

Below the scorecard is summary information for the boards and your partnership's play of them.

It might be worth considering the Declarer/Dummy boards & percentages for your partnership. If you have played far more or fewer boards than your partner as declarer (the 'Bds' column) then perhaps compare yours with other partnerships and see if that pattern is repeated, and if not check if other partnerships were more or less successful (the 'Ave' column'). This kind of analysis might reveal if your partnership has an unprofitable mismatch of aggressive and cautious bidding styles.

The 'Card Analysis' column should confirm that the hands have been randomly generated:

On average:

  • HCP should be around 10 (if only a small number of boards are played this will vary considerably).
  • Around 37% of the hands should be balanced (using BridgeWebs definition).
  • Around 5% of hands should include at least 1 void.
  • Around 30% of hands should include at least 1 singleton.