Cork Bridge Club

Our club winners in the recent Specsavers Interclub Competition

with Olivia Meade from Specsavers and Regional President Carmel Connolly

Tess O'Hara and Carol O'Sullivan 2nd overall

Brian Madden & Micahel Lavelle 3rd. overall

Finola O'Connell & Nicola McCarthy 1st Intermediate

Release 2.19q
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This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Players Should Know
Players Should Know

1  Players should be courteous and polite to other players and the T D.  

2  Players should vary their  position at table. If the same players play In the North/South position all the time they will never get to play one another.

      Exceptions may be made at the discretion of  the Tournament Director (TD).  For convenience, it is usual for the TD to have a  stationary table. Players with medical problems etc. should be taken into account and accommodated accordingly.

3     All North players should sit in same direction.

4   North should check the guide card - bridgemate- to see that boards and opponents are correct.

5   North should ensure that the number on score sheet corresponds with the board.

6  Players should ANNOUNCE their system e.g. weak or strong no trump, 4 or 5 card majors and short club before play commences.

7  A Double in the first round of bidding is assumed to be for take- out and need not be alerted unless it has another meaning.

8   Dealer should remove his cards first. Cards should be counted before the bidding and shuffled  after the hand is played. Boards should be kept on bridge table at all times. Boards must be visible at all times and not covered by bidding boxes,          bridgemates, or other objects. 

9  When using bidding boxes, bids including Pass should not be returned to the bidding box until the opening lead is made.  A Pass card must be put on the table eact time a player passes.  Tapping a previous Pass card is not acceptable.

10  Defenders may tell declarer whether play is from dummy or declarer’s hand. Dummy should remain silent throughout play.  Dummy is allowed to try to prevent Declarer from committing an irregularity, e.g. playing from the wrong hand, only when touching the card from the wrong hand. Other comments are not allowed. 

11  Any player, including dummy, may attempt to prevent another player from committing an irregularity, e. g. a defender can prevent his partner from leading out of turn.

12  Dummy may not  assume which card declarer will play.  Declarer has to nominate or touch a card. Once a card in dummy is named or deliberately touched, it MUST be played, (unless the card was touched for the purpose of adjustment or reaching for another card)

13  In the event of an irregularity, TD should be called at all times. It is preferable if the offeneder calls the T D 

14 If the players agree that a “hesitation” has occurred, the TD should be called when the hand has been played, and not when dummy appears.A player may ask about the meaning of a single call but should be aware that this may put ethical pressure on his partner, e.g. West can ask North about Souths call rather than ask for a full review of the auction

15  Players are not allowed to ask opponents a question solely for partners benefit. Partner has to ask his own questionsThe Clarification Period is the period just after the final pass and before the opening lead has been faced. During this period both declaring side can examine their convention cards to make sure they have not misinformed their opponent.

16 No inspection of a quitted trick may be made once all the cards are turned face down.  Until a lead is made to the following trick declarer or either defender may look at his own card played, taking care not to expose it to any other player.

17   Declarer can draw attention to a quitted card pointing in the wrong direction at any time. Dummy and Declarer only have this right until play is made to the next trick.17 If it is noticed one of the two pairs at the table are playing a wrong board, then the correct pair may replace the wrong pair. The original pair must repeat the call they made previously. If any call differs the TD has the authority to apply a penalty or an adjusted score.

18  When North has filled in score sheet East or West should check that pair numbers, contract and score is correct. The scorer is obliged to accept the score as written on the score sheet even though it may appear to be incorrect e.g 4H + 1 written in as 420. If using bridgemates  East or West must check the contract, tricks made or lost and the oreintation of declarer.

19.   Scores that appear to be incorrect on the score sheet should be brought to the attention of the TD. NO changes should be made to the score sheet, unless TD gives permission to do so. TD may also be playing and not have come to play the board so may specifically ask a player to put a mark on the sheet to remind him/her of the irregularity.

20  Players should not read out score sheets  - Bridgemates- or discuss hands in the hearing of other players.

21  Players should wait to hold conversations/ post-mortems until set of boards are played.  There is a limit of 17 minutes allowed to play 2 boards, 22 minutes for 3 boards and 30 minutes for 4 boards.  This time limit includes moving to the next table.

22  Comments are not allowed during the play of the hands

23 Players should not move until all boards are changed and T D asks them to do so. 

24 Players are not permitted to look at another players cards or curtain card.

25  Players are not permitted to fiddle with bids in bidding boxes and should only touch the bidding cards when they are ready to make a bid.

Last updated : 1st Nov 2019 15:42 GMT