Release 2.19r
Committee Meetings 2015-16
Committee Meeting Minutes for 1 March 2016




PRESENT:  Tony Baker, Wendy Stainer, Kay O’Gorman


The following was unanimously agreed:

  1. That a letter would be sent to Mr & Mrs Goddard requesting their immediate resignation from Claygate Bridge Club
  2. This letter will inform them that an SGM will be called on 18 April at 7pm immediately prior to the AGM in order to ratify this decision by the Committee.
  3. A secret ballot would be taken at the SGM with ballot slips being given to everyone and these slips to be collected by the Secretary on the night before the AGM begins
  4. The Agenda for this SGM would be published on the Club’s Website
  5. Should their resignation be received before the SGM then it could be cancelled as there is no other business for this SGM

That the £40 they have sent to the Treasurer would be refunded once their resignation was received – as it was decided no unnecessary correspondence should be entered into with Mr & Mrs Goddard 

Committee Meeting, 30th April 2015
Mrs. S. Osborne – Chairman (SO)
Mrs. J. F. Gardiner – Secretary (JFG)
Mr. D. Rotherham – Treasurer (DR)
Mr. G. Wilson – Duplimater/Scorer (GW)
Mrs. S. Rawlins –(SR)
Mrs. J. Reilly – (JR)

1. Minutes of Last Meeting

The minutes of the meeting dated 22nd January 2015 were adopted without amendment.

2. Matters arising from the AGM held on 9th March 2015

There were no further matters arising other than those already listed as items to be discussed within this meeting.

3. Basic Etiquette and Procedure

Discussion took place as to what issues should and should not be included. SO would draft a document which would be circulated to the committee for comment. It was noted that ‘best behaviour’ would be included in this document. Once agreed, the document would be laminated and placed on tables at the start of play.

Action: SO

4. Membership

Membership for the club is now full but there is a waiting list. JFG is the holder of this list and any prospective members should contact her. A new application form is being produced by DR which will be circulated to the committee for comment.

Action: DR

There was discussion as to the maximum number of tables we should have – which has been set at 17, and as this happens only infrequently, it was decided that the duplimating of two sets of boards would not be required. Should we get more than 17 tables then visitors would be asked to leave and come back another evening.

5. Discussion of Electronic Scoring

Bridgemates were discussed and it was agreed that once the financial situation had been assessed (DR) we would ask one of the local clubs who already have Bridgemates if they would be willing to give us a demonstration. (SO) The possibility of having Bridgemates would then be discussed at a later date again by the Committee.

Action: DR/SO

6. Bank Holiday Bridge

Following the Committee’s decision not to hold Bank Holiday Bridge for reasons of logistical difficulty, Jaime Bueno volunteered to undertake the task of running this for the Club at Claygate Village Hall. The Club has paid for the hire of the hall, and players would receive a free night of play.

7. Introduction of Psyche Book

Following a recent incident at the Club, a Psyche Book has been introduced to the Club and is available at the Club for Directors to enter any further infractions. All psyches should be brought to the attention of the Director.

8. Any Other Business

Directors should not adjudicate on incidents at their own table.

It was agreed that JFG should send an email to all Directors reminding them that if there is a ‘Directors issue’ at their own table in the course of an evening, one of the other Directors in the room should be called to adjudicate.

Action: JFG

Free Evenings

It was decided that for the SIMS competition on 21st September members would get a free evening, and that there would also be a free evening later on in the year. A date yet to be decided.

Wanborough Cup

The victors of our Teams of 4 event, Joyce and Maurice Grant, Joan Low and Janet Kefford will represent Claygate Club in the Wanborough Cup. Entry fees would be paid by the club and DR would undertake to enter the team and pay the fees.

Action: DR

End of Meeting

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 7.46pm.

JFG/1 May 2015

Committee Meeting, 30th March 2015
Mrs. S. Osborne (SO) – Chairman
Mrs. J. F. Gardiner (JFG) – Secretary
Mr. D. Rotherham (DR) – Treasurer
Mr. G. Wilson (GW) – Duplimater/Scorer
Mrs. S. Rawlins (SR)
Mrs. J. Reilly (JR)

Bridge on Bank Holiday Mondays?

The reason for the extra Committee Members meeting held on 30th March 2015 was to discuss Bank Holiday Monday bridge.

At the AGM held on 9th March 2015, it was proposed by a member of the Club that the Committee look into setting up bridge on Bank Holiday Mondays.

SO established that there was no possibility of the Day Centre opening on Bank Holiday Mondays. JFG visited Claygate Village Hall and established that the club could make use of this Hall for Bank Holiday Mondays.

However, after discussion by the Committee Members it was felt that the effort of setting up all that was necessary to make it a success was too great for just a few number of tables. Committee Members were also doubtful as to whether they could make a commitment on Bank Holiday Mondays early enough to warrant booking and paying for the hall in advance. Therefore at the next Club Night, SO will tell the Club that as a Committee we were unable to see how it would work – and ask for comments.

Action: SO


Gavin raised a question with regard to a process for vetting applicants to the Club. It was agreed that there should be a form which had a space for a Proposer and Seconder. JFG suggested that we add a yes/no box asking if the proposed member had ever been excluded from a Club. DR said that he would bring the form to the next Committee Meeting and we would discuss it further.

Action: DR

As it stands, as of the AGM on 9th March 2015, membership is closed, and a waiting list set up. It was agreed that all future membership applications should be approved by the Committee at their next meeting.

SO proposed that JFG should become Membership Secretary. This was seconded by DR and adopted.

DR would send JFG the latest version of the membership list to JFG.

Action: DR

End of Meeting

There being no further issues, the meeting finished at 7.23pm.