Release 2.19r
English Bridge
Interesting Articles from English Bridge Magazine

The articles on this page are reprinted by kind permission of the English Bridge Union

Basic Card Play by Paul Bowyer
Timing: What to Do First
Making Use of the Trump Suit
Ducking (to Establish Long Suits)
Ducking (to Gain a Tempo)
The 'Tight Fist' Syndrome
The 4-4 Fit
The Crossruff
The Finesse Part I
The Finesse Part II
The Finesse Part III
Cover an Honour with an Honour Part I
Cover an Honour with an Honour Part II

Counting by Andrew Kambites
Part1    Part2    Part 3    Part4    Part5

Suit Combinations by Andrew Kambites
Part1    Part2    Part3    Part4    Part5    Part6    Part7

Opening Leads by Derek Patterson
The Right Time to Play Your Ace
Clues from the Bidding
Longest and Strongest?
Secure What is Rightfully Yours
Cutting Down the Ruffs
Turning on the 'Sat Nav'
Lead Passively Against 6NT

Wonderful Conventions
Unassuming Cue-bids by Neil Rosen
Lebensohl by Neil Rosen
Weak Two Bids and Responses
 by Neil Rosen
Fourth Suit Forcing by Neil Rosen
The Gambling 3NT by Sandra Landy
Leaping and Non-Leaping Michaels by Neil Rosen

Jacobi vs Baron 2NT - the Debate by Neil Rosen and Chris Jagger
Fit-showing Jumps by Neil Rosen
Two-way Checkback by Neil Rosen

Teams Tactics by Derek Patterson
Playing Teams
When in Doubt, Bid Game!
Doubles of Part-scores: Avoiding Disaster
Penalty Doubles of Game Contracts Part I
Penalty Doubles of Game Contracts Part II
A Life of Sacrifice?
Advancing the Cause

All Guns Blazing!

Pairs Tactics by Andrew Robson
Pass Partner's Take-out Doubles More Often
Bid Safe, Play Boldly
Prefer 4S/4H to 3NT - Usually
Declare the Love All Part-scores

Bits and Pieces
Respond Often Non-vulnerable by David Gold
Bridge Psychology: Concentration, Concentration, Concentration
by Andrew Kambites
Take Your Time at Trick One by David Gold

Bidding Systems
Five Card Majors by Neil Rosen -
Part1    Part2    Part3    Part4a    Part4b   
Part5   Part6   Part7