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Stop Press
Welcome to Castle (Yorks) Bridge Club

The new scoring system seems to be working, although we had major problems on the 2nd July.  Hopefully we learnt a couple of things and we should avoid the technical problem which delayed the start of the evening in the future.

I would like to try entering the hands on another evening,  I will look for an evening where the movement does not involve a relay.  This should mean that the hand entering only occurs during the first round.

Please may I remind you that after the result has been entered, the tablet should be passed to an opponent for them to agree the score and for them to tap the Agree button.  Everyone at the table should be given the chance to see the traveller screen before the tablet is set for the next board.

Please leave the tablet displaying the expected players for the new round until all the players have joined the table.  It does help prevent lost souls from wondering round the room.







Play of the Week?

Board 20 from 17th January

When this hand was played, east was the declarer, either in three No Trumps or four Hearts.

Every East made eleven tricks, except one who only made ten.

The opening lead in this case was a diamond and the contract was three No Trumps.  A quick count showed that following the favourable lead, there were three Diamond tricks, three, possibly four Heart tricks and at least on club trick and at least one Spade trick.  A successful Spade finess would add to the number.

So, the first trick was won in hand and a low Heart to the Queen followed.  A low spade to the ten was won by South who lead a diamond.  Winning on table, another low spade followed to the Qyeen and King.  Another Diamond was returned, luckily not a Spade.  A low Club to the Queen knocked out the Ace and eventually the King of Clubs took the Jack, so promoting the Ten.  Ten tricks, loosing two Spades and a Club.

I assume everyone else took the view that a suit, with length missing the Ace Jack was more likely to produce tricks than one missing the King Jack without any length and they were right.

One of my bottoms.

Latest Results

The results for the 6th August are now in.  Well done John and Anne followed by Ella and John.

























































Normal Tuesday Duplicate
Director: Bob Jackman
Scorer: Bob Jackman
Normal Tuesday Duplicate
Director: Bob Jackman
Scorer: Bob Jackman
Normal Tuesday Duplicate
Director: Bob Jackman
Scorer: Bob Jackman