Village Card Club
Social Bridge

Tuesday & Thursday morning 9:00 am

Jerry Sherman 501-915-0919


Wednesday evening 5:30 pm

Julie Hardardt 501-318-4178


1st & 3rd Sundays 1 PM

Jann Grace 501-226-5542

ACBL Live for Clubs

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Release 2.19q
Partnering Process
Partnering Process

The process for VCC Members seeking a VCC Partner follows:

  1. Click on Club Calendar.
  2. Find the month on the VCC Calendar relevant to the desired partnering date.
  3. Scroll down on the selected month to the desired partnering date.
  4. Mouse hover over the desired partnering date for a Pop-Up response to request a partner.
  5. Click-On the "Partner Required" icon, located at the bottom of the Pop-Up for the desired date.
  6. Complete the Request form with your email address as contact information.
  7. Click-On "Check" to register the partner request. Click-On "Add Request" to record it on the Club Calendar.

Your request will now be entered on the VCC Club Calendar/Partnering Request. It can be confirmed in the Club Calendar on the desired date.
Interested players will click on the email icon on the desired date and an email will be sent to you regarding that person's availability.

Expired requests will be automatically removed from the Partnering Process.


To remove a request, locate your request on the Club Calendar, Click-On "Partner Required", enter your email, Click-On "Check", then "Remove Request".


For VCC Guests seeking a VCC Partner, click on the VCC Guest Partnering tab on the left side of the page for instructions.