SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
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1. The Club shall be known as Cairngorm Bridge Club.

2. The objectives of the Club shall be (i) to promote and (ii) provide facilities for the game of Duplicate Bridge.

3. The Club will be affiliated to the Scottish Bridge Union (SBU).

4. Membership of the Bridge Club shall be open to all and any application for membership will not be unreasonably refused by the Club. Applications in writing should be made to any of the Office Bearers or any Club Member.

5. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club must be held by the 31 March every year.

6. The Office Bearers shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Master Points Secretary. An Office Bearer may hold up to two Offices simultaneously. The President shall serve a maximum of two years at any one time and will not be eligible for re-election as President until at least two years have elapsed.

7. The Management Committee of the Club shall consist of seven (7) members in total and will consist of the Office Bearers, the Immediate Past President plus an elected member or members. They will be elected at the AGM of the Club. The President shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote. If a vacancy occurs in the Management Committee it shall have the power to co-opt a member to serve until the next AGM.

8. The Management Committee shall be responsible for the running of the Club, all Club Events and Competitions.

9. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Club may be called by the Management Committee or by a written submission signed by at least eight (8) members of the Club. The business to be conducted at the meeting must be stated in the submission. The Management Committee must arrange for the EGM to be held within twenty eight (28) days of any proper submission. A calling notice will be distributed to members giving the date, time, venue and business to be considered at the EGM.

10. Members shall be given at least seven (7) days’ notice of the AGM or of any EGM. A quorum of twelve (12) members is required for any General Meeting and of three (3) members for any meeting of the Management Committee.

11. (i) In the absence of the President and Vice President at any official meeting the chairperson will be decided upon by vote from the members present. The chairperson will have a casting vote.

(ii) Voting at any General Meeting shall normally be by show of hands. However, it will be open to any member to request a secret paper ballot and, if seconded, the request will be considered and decided by a show of hands without any further discussion.

12. Minutes of all General Meetings and Management Committee meetings will be kept and, once approved, a copy of any Minute will be available to any member(s) on request.

13. The Treasurer shall keep records of all Income and Expenditure every financial year, which shall end on the last day in February. The Treasurer shall report to the AGM and a copy of the accounts will be made available for all members present. Cheques must be signed by two Office Bearers.

14. An annual subscription fee shall be decided at the AGM. The subscription year shall run from 1 October.

15. Guests players will be welcome at all competitions run by the Club. A maximum of three (3) guest appearances per person is allowed in any subscription year.

16. The club can only be wound up at a specially called EGM. At least two thirds of the members present and a majority of the total Club Membership must vote in favour of the motion to wind up the club. Any remaining assets shall be given to the SBU or another affiliated club.

17. The Constitution of the Club can only be altered by a motion to a General Meeting of the Club. The motion must be passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting.
