Boston Bridge Club
Announcements & Alerts 2023
The EBU have revised Announcements & Alerts from 7 August 2023.
We request that our Members comply with this guidance :-

Announcement and Alert 2023.pdf

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13th Sep 2024 08:39 BST
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13th Sep 2024 08:28 BST
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Release 2.19r
Welcome to Boston Bridge Club
We raised £485 for Cancer Research

At our EBU Charity day on Tuesday 10 September, Boston Bridge Club raised £485 for the EBU Charity, Cancer Research.

With donations still coming in from other EBU Bridge Clubs the total raised so far is in excess of £24,000.

Special mention for the pairing of Pam Townsend and Judy Nicholson who finished top of the eighteen Boston pairs.

Christmas Party and Bridge - Tuesday 17th December

 Our Boston Bridge Club Christmas Party & Bridge will be held at Boston Tennis Club on Tuesday 17th December 2024.
The Buffet will be from 12 o’clock, followed by Social Bridge 
(No Partner required).


Christmas Buffet Menu

Coronation Turkey Sandwiches

Butchers Ham Sandwiches

Brie + Cranberry Sandwiches

Sides of Salmon (gf)

Stuffed Mushrooms with Blue Cheese

Mini Sausage + Cranberry Rolls

Rainbow Salad (gf)

Vegan Spring Rolls

Norfolk Turkey Spring Rolls

Double Cooked Chips (gf)


Individual Eton Mess with Cherries, Blackcurrant + Blueberries (gf) 


Served with filter coffee + tea



About Boston Bridge Club

Boston Duplicate Bridge Club has a thriving membership and regularly has 7 tables or more in play. The Club meets on Monday and Thursday evenings at Boston Tennis Club, starting at 6.45 p.m. with the Results shown on this website.

Also Boston Bridge Club hold Tuesday afternoon bridge sessions at Boston Tennis Club. These sessions are very social and will help to improve your level of play, be you an absolute beginner or whether you aspire to higher levels ... !!

On these Tuesday afternoons we aim to commence play by 1.30pm and finish at 4pm, but ask players to arrive by 1.15pm. This session is relaxed and friendly, we play less boards and you do not need a partner to attend as one will be found for you. You can also ask for help and guidance during play from our "experts" and we try to incorporate a short break during the session.
Full Members can attend for free but Part Members need to pay £3.00 table money per session. There is free car parking at the venue.  The results from our sessions will also be shown here.
Everyone is welcome

Visitors are most welcome to attend. Cost for non members is £4.00 per session. On a few evenings the Club holds teams events (shown in the Calendar sections) - on these evenings visitors should contact us in advance to check whether they can play.

Please note that we are usually Open on Bank Holiday Mondays unless shown otherwise.
In the event of cancellation due to inclement weather or other reason, a notice will be posted on this Home Page.

If you have any symptoms of cold, flu, etc., we ask you NOT to attend

Earlier Starts on Monday & Thursday Evenings

We are now starting play at 6.45 p.m. on Monday & Thursday evenings and request that players arrive at 6.30 p.m. or before.

Combined with timed boards, i.e. "clock's on", play should end well before 10.00 p.m. allowing everyone to get home earlier.

Membership & Subscriptions 2024

Fees from 1st of January until 31st December 2024.

Full Membership
Full Membership of Boston Bridge Club entitles you to play 3 Sessions a week.
Full Membership costs £160.00.

£10 joining fee - allows membership to both the EBU and Boston Bridge Club, PLUS £3 table money per session.
Note for Full Membership:- Those who join during the year will pay a 3, 6 or 9 month subscription pro rata of the current membership fees.

£80 Full Membership for all sessions.
£10 joining fee - allows membership to both the EBU and Boston Bridge Club PLUS £1.50 table money per session.

All visitors are welcome at anytime, with a payment of £4.00 per session.

Bank Transfer (BACS)

Membership subscriptions can be made online by Bank Transfer to Boston Bridge Club.
Bank details:- HSBC Sort Code 40 12 30       Account Number 70166626

Please put YOUR NAME  in the reference of your Bank Transfer.

Please make cheques payable to Boston Bridge Club.

Bridge Improvers Course Coming Soon in 2024

We are intending to hold another Improvers Bridge Course in 2024.

When the dates for this course have been decided, full details including costs will be shown here.

(2nd Feb 2024)
Find a Partner on our Find a Partner WhatsApp Group

Some of our newer members may not be aware that they can usually find a partner using our simple Boston Bridge Club Find a Partner WhatsApp Group.
If you would like join our Find a Partner WhatsApp Group, then please contact Claire, mobile 07534 433218 & let her know your mobile number.

Club Night
Director: Various
Scorer: Richard Tupper
Social Bridge
Director: Various
Scorer: Richard Tupper
Club Night
Director: Various
Scorer: Richard Tupper
23rd September 2024
Club Night
Boston Tennis Club
6.30 p.m. for 6.45 p.m. start
Director: Various
24th September 2024
Social Bridge
Boston Tennis Club
1.15 p.m. for start at 1.30 p.m. & finish at 4.00 p.m.
Director: Various
26th September 2024
Club Night
Boston Tennis Club
6.30 p.m. for 6.45 p.m. start
Director: Various
30th September 2024
Club Night
Boston Tennis Club
6.30 p.m. for 6.45 p.m. start
Director: Various
1st October 2024
Social Bridge
Boston Tennis Club
1.15 p.m. for start at 1.30 p.m. & finish at 4.00 p.m.
Director: Various
3rd October 2024
Club Night
Boston Tennis Club
6.30 p.m. for 6.45 p.m. start
Director: Various