Blue Ridge Bridge

Face-to-Face Games!

Mondays, 10:00 A.M.
Spruce Pine United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall

11090 NC-226, Spruce Pine, NC.

Bring your lunch for a mid-game break.

Pre-registration requested, not required.

Release 2.19q
About Us
A Brief History of Blue Ridge Bridge

One of our founding members, Sis Earley, remembers the social bridge club in the 40's that grew into a non-sanctioned friendly duplicate club in the 50's with folks from Spruce Pine and Little Switzerland.  In the year 2000, Susan Crutchfield had the opportunity to take a series of lessons on the new conventions that had been introduced at the tournament level of play.  She returned from her lessons and began teaching others in the club.  There was a core group who began attending tournaments, and winning!  But they needed more black points to reach their goal of Life Master.  Susan and Kit Trubey, who had been playing bridge all her life, took a Club Director's course so that the club could become sanctioned by the ACBL.

Eventually, the club became a teaching club, with lessons given each week on three different levels during the summer.  And always, the emphasis has been on graciousness and having a good time, in a friendly competitive atmosphere. Our club has always relied on volunteers that step forward to help out in any way.  After moving from restaurants to a church's fellowship hall, members took over the details of setting up tables and chairs, making coffee, and cleaning up afterwards. 

How have members volunteered? 
Folks have stepped up to score, and to learn the ins and outs of computer skills. 
Folks have made donations for the BridgeMate table computers, so that we can view the results and the deals online. 
Folks have become Club Directors to keep the game sanctioned.
Woodworking bridge players have created special holders, carriers, and shelves for our needs. 
Friendships have developed through partnerships and through tournament victories. 
We have even celebrated a wedding that resulted from two folks meeting at the bridge table! 
Over and over again, we hear that ours is the friendliest club in the area - and we believe it! 
Players come from Burnsville, Boone, Beech Mountain, Land Harbor, Morganton, Marion, Spruce Pine, Little Switzerland, Bakersville, Asheville, and even Loafer's Glory! 
Join us, and see what the fun is all about!