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AGM 2017 Agenda

Annual General Meeting 2nd March 2017
At 6.30 pm in the Golf club


1. Apologies

2. Minutes of the AGM 2016

3. Matters arising from the minutes 2016

4. Chairman’s report

5. Treasurer’s report

6. Secretary’s report

7. Match Captain’s report

8. Scorer’s report

9. Election of Officers and Committee Members

10. Proposal by the outgoing committee: PRE-DEALT BOARDS:

Most of the EBU affiliated Bridge Clubs in the area are now using Pre-dealt Boards for the
majority of their Bridge. It is only the smaller clubs which continue with boards dealt on the
night.  In general PDBs produce more interesting hands to play with the added benefit of
getting a print out of the hands at the end of the evening to help you find out what went
wrong! The cost is well within the finances of Bishop Auckland Bridge Club.
The committee proposes that we use PDBs on 2 Club Nights each month instead of the
present one night per month.

Proposed and seconded by the Committee

11. Proposal: SIT OUT POLICY:

Many members, either for health reasons or through personal preference, choose to sit in
the same direction each week. When there is a half table, either N/S pairs or those sitting
E/W are required to sit out for one round. In order to make it equitable and avoid situations
where either N/S or E/W find themselves sitting out on consecutive weeks the proposal is
that a record should be kept, either in the form of a book or a list on the notice board, of the
direction of the sit out and that this be alternated as and when a half table is necessary.
Proposed M. Crowe Seconded J. Gray

12. AOB – for discussion only at the Chair's discretion.