Release 2.19q
Beauchief Bridge Club web site
Web Site
Web Site

Our web site provides information on the club, its location, playing times, calendar of events, results, club competitions and other items of general interest.

The site is updated by the Club Officials for the benefit of the Club Members and anyone interested in this great mind game

It has been designed [and is best viewed] using a 1280 x 1024 screen resolution [using other resolutions may mean you have to use the scroll bars to view all page content - some pages do require use of scroll bars irrespective of screen resolution used due to amount of page content]

The site is hosted by BridgeWebs {Link to BridgeWebs web site}

We use the ScoreBridge program for our results {Link to ScoreBridge web site}

Our evening club duplicates, and the majority of our external events, are scored directly at the table via BridgeMate II wireless scoring handsets. 

Our site contains a number of links to other sites, and whilst we attempt to ensure all the links are correct (and live), we cannot accept responsibility for failure of these links [or for the accuracy of any content contained on the sites we link to]

We hope you find this web site useful, if you have any problems using the site or have suggestions for improvements or content, please e-mail the Webmaster (see 'Club Officials' page).

Learn to Play Bridge
Learn to Play Bridge

Our teaching sessions are run by Ian; we’ll let him introduce them to you….

“We offer teaching sessions on Thursday evening starting at 7:15 p.m., in a very relaxed atmosphere at the Park Hotel.

If you are new to the game, you will be taken through the basics and then given the opportunity to put what you have learnt into practise within a friendly and informal playing session with others new to the game. 

If you have already learnt the basics, maybe at home, and are now interested in understanding more about playing at a bridge club, we can help introduce you to; playing bridge as part of a duplicate session; the weird and wonderful language that makes up a bridge system; conventions; how duplicate scoring works; and all about playing in a friendly but competitive bridge environment.

Whether you’re a beginner or an improver, you‘re encouraged to learn at your own pace, and with our help, tutoring and on-going support, go on to join the club's regular duplicate sessions with confidence.

Look forward to meeting you…”

If you would like to find out more, please call in to the Park Hotel at one of Ian’s Thursday evening sessions or alternately give him a call on 01246 416137, or drop him an e-mail at: email Ian