Thursday, January 16, 2014



PRESENT: President John Robertson, Vice President Dave Myers, Secretary Marilyn Patterson, Treasurer Marabeth Sharp, Bruce Richmond, Judy Penno, Doug Souliere, Ted Martin, Dave Chiasson, Gunnar Kristiansen

REGRETS: Gloria Orr, David Riddick,

Others joined in as they arrived for the evening game.


1.       President John Robertson called the meeting to order at 6:30, noting sandwiches, fruit and cookies are available so help yourself.


2.      Minutes of the Thursday January 16, 2013 Meeting were distributed among those present.  Corrections in the Treasurer’s report were noted and corrected.  Moved be David Myers and seconded by Bruce Richmond to accept as distributed. Carried. 


3.      There was no business arising from the minutes.



4.      Treasurer’s Report: Marabeth Sharp: Report up to Dec. 31, 2013 was distributed and

                                will be filed with these minutes

       Summary           : TOURNAMENT account has $6,200.70

                                       :Investment TA-03-06-2014: @ .8% $ 7,751.01

                                       :Investment 12-12-2013 @ .8 % $4,893.22

                                        : US Bank account $123.64

                                        : CHEQUING Bank Account $6,165.26

                                        : PETTY CASH   $100.00

                                        : total cash $12,589.60

          TOTAL ASSETS: $ 25,233.83

                        REVENUE: Tournament Registrations Regional $14,440. Sectional $993.62

                        TOTAL EXPENSES: $12,039.84

                         NET INCOME: $2,909.65

             We have $449.00 coming for reimbursements from 2013.

 Motion by Susan Sanders and seconded by Judith Yendell to accept treasurer’s report was carried.


 Motion by David Myers to thank David Chiasson and Gunnar Kristiansen for the excellent job they                          

      accomplished in running the Regional tournament; despite the low attendance they did excellent  

      fund raising.  Food and all amenities were great.  The directors did reduce their hours of work to  

      help reduce  costs.



REGIONAL TOURNAMENT: Gunnar gave a brief report stating the attendance dropped off sharply by 20 – 25%; the cost of food was quite high but in spite of that $2,500 was raised. He mentioned that people may not come in 2015 if they think it is going to be a small tournament.  Nationals are in Toronto in 2017.

SECTIONAL TOURNAMENT: This tournament was not as well attended as last year.  We had 309 tables.  In comparison to Sudbury who had about 600 tables, however North Bay was smaller.


John did announce we will be using the Seniors Centre the second week in July from Tuesday to Sunday 2015 for the Regional

-          Use of the whole building, washrooms

-          Can bring in food(pizza) they will make sandwiches, coffee available

-          Sanction has been approved

-          We must attract players from outside area because if the numbers go down people from other areas will not be attracted to our tournaments or feel it is a big enough tournament to attend

-          David and Gunnar are going to require extra help

-          We should form committees for various areas

-          Web Site dedicated to the promotion of our next tournament and various attractions in the Sault and Area


ELLIOT LAKE: Doug Souliere and Ted Martin

-          They are encouraging new members as much as possible

-          During the winter, Ted used Monday night for teaching; Wed. & Fri. afternoons are for games

-          Have had 2-3 tables on Mon.; 4½ on Wed.; 6 on Fri.

-          They are guaranteeing a partner

-          They have a bridge article in the local newspaper once a week

-          Pam, who owned a club in southern Ontario and now lives in Elliot Lake has offered to help



  A. The Sectional will be held at the Seniors Centre May 2, 3 and 4, 2014.

  B. John spoke about the purpose of the Unit being the promotion of tournaments and the education and promotion of bridge. John also thanked all of the board members for the work they do and especially Dave Chiasson and Gunnar for their tournament work and Bill Nash for teaching bridge at Sault College and integrating members into the novice section on Saturday nights.


8. Adjournment: Motion by Dave Myers was carried.


The meeting closed at 6:55 P.M. 


NEXT MEETING: Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:30 P.M.    



  Marilyn Patterson Secretary

  Marilyn Patterson