The 59 Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
Recent Updates
24th Sep 2024 16:08 BST
Stewards rota
24th Sep 2024 15:59 BST
Stewards rota

The following rota for steward duty covers  March to May 2024.   If you are unavailable on any of these dates, or need to change, please contact Diane Hunt (01725 511366)

Sept 27th  Richard Bradley.

Oct 4th  Tish Burbidge,  Oct 11th  Andrea Butler,  Oct 18th Wendy Butler,  Oct 25th  Jill Carlisle.

Nov. 1st  Bob West,   Nov. 8th  Emmie Crozier,    Nov. 15th Glynis Currie,   Nov. 22nd  John Dalton,  Nov. 29th  Jonathan Davies.

Directors' rota

Directors' rota for:

September:   27th Richard Woodward

October:   4th Georgie Dalton, 11th Sue Hands, 18th Breda Adcock, 25th Richard Woodward

November:  1st  Georgie Dalton, 8th Sue Hands, 15th Breda Adcock, 22th Richard Woodward, 29th Georgie Dalton


Handicap Competition
Handicap Results - 20 September 2024
Position Partnership Gross Score Handicap Net Score
1 Judith Rees & Jill Barnes 59.72 43.26 16.46
2 Richard Bradley & Margaret Waters 51.04 45.04 6.00
3 Tish Burbidge & Paul Warran 59.72 55.92 3.80
4 Beverley De Cuevas & John Bussey 45.49 45.51 -0.02
5 Andrea Butler & Rachael Osborne 38.19 40.21 -2.02
6 Sue Hands & David Hands 55.21 57.87 -2.66
7 Tony Adams & Iris Adams 40.63 44.41 -3.78
8 Brian Whittaker & Janet McDougal 48.81 44.78 4.03
1 Johnathan Davies & Jackie George 61.90 52.12 9.78
2 Mary Philips & Di Wort 52.78 51.06 1.72
3 John Dalton & Joan Wycherley 55.16 56.44 -1.28
4 Christine Andrew & Sarah Boydell 46.43 52.22 -5.79
5 Mike O'Sullivan & Diane Hunt 40.48 52.25 -11.77
6 Diana Salisbury & Gavin Walker 38.89 52.06 -13.17
7 Sid Adcock  & Graham House 55.56 **  
                 ** Non- Member:  No valid handicap
N/S Winners:  Judith Rees & Jill Barnes
E/W Winners:  Johnathan Davies & Jackie George


Notes from the Chair:

Punctuality    Please endeavour to arrive by at the latest, as this much facilitates the setting up of the event on the computer and enables a prompt start at 7.00pm.

A Note for your Diaries    The Christmas party will be held on Friday 13th December starting at 6.30pm.  As usual there will be fruit punch available with a buffet, as well as spot prizes and a prize for the best Christmas outfit!  There will be no table money payable.

    The 59 Bridge Club is a cheerful club with a loyal and enthusiastic membership, where the emphasis is as much on social interaction as it is on card play. Though not a member of the English Bridge Union (EBU), the club not only follows many EBU precepts but also offers a pleasant environment in which to play with a warm welcome for visitors seeking a game. The club's home for the past few years has been the Baptist Church in Brown Street, where there is a spacious room with a kitchen for use during play, though no alcohol is permitted. Meetings are on Fridays with a 7pm start, so members are encouraged to arrive by 6.45. There are two public parking areas adjacent to the church, with limited on-street parking also available. Since the lifting of restrictions imposed by the Covid 19 pandemic, the club has been keen to promote the return of face-to-face play. A steward system is organised so newcomers and visitors can be assured of a game. Details of the club's activities are available elsewhere on this web site.
Covid protocol

Members (and guests) attending F2F sessions at the 59 club may wish to observe the following precautions even though restrictions have been lifted: it would be preferable if you do not attend unless you have been doubly vaccinated and received your booster jab. If exhibiting any sign of infection (sore throat, temperature or cough), please do not attend though that would have been true of any pre-Covid situation.

The kitchen can be used and refreshment is available though members may wish to bring their own refreshment as required 

The club cannot accept responsibility for members who may subsequently contract the virus. Everyone attends the club at their own risk.



Bridge Etiquette

Please observe the EBU rules of Conduct and Etiquette at all times, especially the parts that say "bridge is an extremely enjoyable game", "make bridge enjoyable for yourself, partner and opponents" and "enjoy the company as well as the game".