Daphne Greatorex – Secretary

4 Noble St, Bridgwater, TA6 4GF

Tel 01278 555897



Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the SOMERSET CONTRACT BRIDGE ASSOCIATION (SCBA) will be held at Woolavington Village Hall on

Sunday 26h May 2019 commencing at 1pm.

Non EBU members are welcome to attend in a non-voting capacity and take part in the Swiss Teams event that will follow the meeting.

The provisional agenda is set out below.

It should be noted that the Secretary must receive any of the following in writing (preferably by  e-mail) by Sunday 5th May 2019:

A.     Nominations for any of the Officer positions on the Executive Committee supported by a proposer and seconder, all of whom must be current members of the SCBA

B.    Nominations for any of the six non-Officer positions on the Executive Committee supported by a proposer and seconder, all of whom must be current members of the SCBA

C.    Any special resolution that is to be discussed and voted on at the AGM under Item 9, duly proposed and seconded by two current members of the SCBA


1.     Silence for deceased members

2.     Apologises for absence

3.     Approval of the minutes of AGM 2018 (copy can be found on the county website)

4.     Matters arising from the 2018 minutes

5.     Chairperson’s Annual Report (to be tabled)

6.     Treasurer’s Report and adoption of Accounts (to be tabled)

7.     Tournament Secretary’s Report (to be tabled)

8.     Election of Officers and other Executive Committee members for 2019/20

9.     Special Resolutions
a) The Committee proposes a change to the constitution para.3.2 replacing the words ‘four times’ with ‘twice’ to reflect that the work of the committee is now conducted principally electronically.

10. AOB

At the end of the AGM’s formal business the prizes for the County competitions in 2018/2019 will be awarded

SWISS TEAMS COMPETITION: A random Swiss Teams Competition will follow the AGM and prize giving. Each team will be determined by a draw, with an experienced pair being paired with a less experienced pair. The inexperienced pairs will only play against each other throughout the event, Please ensure your entry is submitted via the SCBA website by May 19th. 2019